Creating healthy routines can help set the foundation for a healthier new year. Like most people during the holidays (or maybe from all the COVID quarantines), put on extra weight. We have, so setting healthy routines early in the New Year can get our bodies back to that good-feel state.
We also live in Ohio, and when winter hits, our bodies become tired and sedentary more often than not. So Jake and I realized last year that we needed to make healthy lifestyle changes that didn’t require much effort or money. After establishing a baseline of wholesome routines, we found that they work. Therefore, we wanted to share them with you to help kick off the New Year strong.
Mindfulness can be scheduling some time in the morning to help prioritize for the day, calm your thoughts, and reassure yourself that you have what it takes to make it through the day. This can be a quick 5 to 10-minute mediation or a moment of silence. There are also several apps out there that can help you practice mindfulness. Our go-to app is CALM, which we have used for several years. They have easy-to-follow meditation practices that focus on a specific situation. For example, we find it easier to practice meditation when drinking coffee in the morning or right after a workout.
Go for a brisk walk, whether by yourself or with your partner, friends, kids, or your furbaby. This is a routine that we often do. It helps with digestion, increases cardiovascular fitness, helps with balance, and much more. Try going for a 30-minute walk at a comfortable pace at least daily, either in the morning or after dinner. We noticed a vast improvement in our digestion with walking daily.
People should usually drink 1 oz per kilogram on average 7-8 oz glass of water a day. This will promote kidney help, reduce appetite, and reduce dehydration. We shoot to drink a full glass of water right in the morning as we usually wake up dehydrated. Jake has a HidrateSpark Smart Water Bottle that lights up to remind him to pause and drink some water throughout the day. This bottle helped him a lot this past year with his work schedule. Seeing the bottle glow reminded him it was time for some water. We always drink a glass of water 1 hour before bed at night.
Starting your day with a healthy smoothie with simple ingredients will make your day successful. We recommend starting with a good base and minimizing juice to reduce sugar. Our smoothies include protein powder, fiber, greens, and a little fruit.
Check out some of our favorite smoothie recipes: Matcha Strawberry Smoothie, Turmeric Smoothie, Immune-Boosting Triple Berry Smoothie, Super Green Smoothie, and Mint Chocolate Chip Smoothie.
Drinking a cup of tea every night can help with hydration, metabolism, digestion, and calming your body for a restful night. I drink chamomile, and Jake drinks a cup of Earl Grey every night. There are also many other benefits of drinking tea daily, not only at night!
And that’s it, you all! It is amazing how these 5 easy routines can bring you energy and make you feel good in the long term. We hope these routines help you and your family as much as they’ve already helped ours. Cheers to a happy and prosperous New Year!
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